Aug 25, 2023
Responding to a video of a mom describing a terrible afternoon
with her 4 year old to help you understand why it's so hard to stay
regulated when our kids are melting down, the steps to take to get
better at it, and the hope that comes with repair even when we do
mess up.
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Aug 15, 2023
Answering a mom's question about how her teen is reacting to her attempt to change her parenting now that she's 13. Pushback and lack of trust is totally normal, it doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. Keep going.
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Aug 11, 2023
Ziya Shyama shares her journey to writing 4 incredible books
aimed at spreading love, connection, healing, gratitude, and
positive acceptance. We talk about the incredible ripple effect
these messages can have and how even adults without young children
can benefit from these empowering messages!
Check out the...